A few years ago, I started a Change.org petition asking supermarkets to make bigger nappies. I didn’t know at the time that the petition would end up being a blessing in so many ways for me. It was the reason I started blogging and made this Facebook page. Speaking and offloading to you guys has been a bit like therapy. You really can’t beat talking to people who ‘get it’.
I started the petition because, at that time, Brody wasn’t able to access products from the continence service. Thousands of people signed and I found out that the continence service is a bit of a postcode lottery. Factors like the age a child is eligible and the number of nappies provided really does vary greatly depending on where you live in the UK.
There was a definite gap for bigger nappies in supermarkets for those who weren’t yet eligible for the continence service and those who needed to top-up the nappies they had.
A product you could buy in store and not have to spend silly money on. I hate the disability price tag!
Tesco approached me a few years ago and were really interested in developing something. Tesco Junior Nappies hit the shelves on the 29th October in 450 stores. The best thing for me about Tesco Junior Nappies is that they don’t have that dreaded disability price tag – 20 quality nappies for £4.50. You can also buy them online and if your store doesn’t stock them, you can request that they do.
I am really grateful to Tesco for listening and for working with me on this. It’s been a great experience and something I’m really proud to have played a part in.
I really hope Tesco Junior Nappies help families and I’d like as many families to know as possible. So, if you could please share this post and spread the word I’d really appreciate it.