“Reasonable” Adjustments…

“Reasonable” Adjustments…

A round peg can fit into a square hole if you really think about it. It depends on the size of the square. If it’s not big enough, adjustments should be made. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t take much. The square just needs to be made a little bigger.


Now I’m really not calling my son a round peg. But hopefully you’ll catch my drift. Any shape can fit into that square if reasonable adjustments are made. And we live in a world full of wonderful shapes. We are not all square. But we are all equal.


A response from Cineworld to my campaigning friends prompted me to write this. When asked if they would consider Changing Places in their establishments, they responded by saying that this would be “beyond a reasonable adjustment” for them.


Reasonable adjustments are a key part of the Equality Act 2010 (EA). Organisations therefore should make reasonable adjustments in line with this Act so that the disabled community is provided with adequate accessibility.


The Oxford Dictionary states that the definition of reasonable is having sound judgement; fair and reasonable. But we, the disabled community, know that society’s perception of reasonable varies. And here is where we encounter difficulty.


We campaign for “access for all”. We write letters, we tweet, we post on social media pages. We shout from the social media roof tops – and often we are ignored. Depsite us having a voice. Despite us having reason. Despite us needing adjustments.


That square hole just doesn’t care. As long as your face fits.


Money makes the world go round. But movers and shakers should know – the purple pound is worth up to £212bn a year (Scope). And we need accessibility in order to spend!


Lack of Changing Places and Space To Change toilets are sadly just one example of the discrimination we face (remember I also rant about the need for bigger nappies). I didn’t set out to campaign for these things, but like everyone else who does – I need these things for my son. We all need to go to the toilet. Who decided that a handrail and slightly larger toilet area was a “one size fits all” solution?


What about those who cannot walk or stand? Those who have trouble with balance? Those that have learning difficulties and cannot use a toilet?


They are expected to go home or lay on a toilet floor. Because who cares?


If you do, please shout with us. We need your voice. Because clearly ours isn’t loud enough.


Please visit My Changing Place and help us fight the good fight! For those we love who are unable to fight themselves.


We are their voice. And we can do this! Nothing worth having comes easy. It may take time, but it will be worth it. Because our loved ones are worth every second of this battle.




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